Key West Krazy was created during the Pandemic of 2020 with a feeling, a desire, after having our plans interrupted. You know how you feel on that cold winter day, the forecast calling for rain, or snow, cloudy and damp throughout. The same way you felt all those frigid winters, as we did, listening to Jimmy Buffet sing of tropical breezes and frozen drinks.
Our first trip down was in April of 1994, and we went on a whim! Vacationing in Jupiter FL we found the local scene a little dull. So with Buffett blaring on our cassette player (old school!) we took the six hour ride down the Keys, no reservations (both personal and hotel). We were amazed at the ride, the aqua clear tropical waters, the funky shops and endless shell shops, and restaurant after restaurant, both divey and upscale, but we had no clue (pre-internet) where to stop, and so we pressed on, breezing into Key West at noon. After an exhausting search we stumbled on the fabled Atlantic Shores Motel. Oceanfront with a pool and a bar and of course a little secret only the locals knew… Clothing optional and life style optional. Welcome to Key West! It was everything we dreamed of and more; warm weather, beautiful tropical gardens, and the best bar, nightlife and entertainment… We were hooked!
It is this laid-back vibe, the island mystique that draws us all back time and again. We have returned several times (sometimes twice per year!), celebrated our youngest daughter’s 18th and 21st birthday and her engagement! But 2020 was a big challenge. We booked our trip just after we returned in 2019. The hotel, flights, layovers all were pre-planned… then COVID hit! We watched from afar as Key West closed its doors, blocked the highways and shut down the airport. Our trip was rescheduled from April to June (the virus would be over by then, right?) but we were still barred from entering. Finally, we received word the State would reopen just before Independence Day (how appropriate!). We scrambled, rebooked and searched, but we still had trouble getting information; what was open, where to eat, where to drink, where the best beach is and which tourist traps to avoid. Then we asked ourselves; “are other folks having the same problem? And that is how a small idea of seeking out the best that Key West has to offer us “tourists” turned into Key West Krazy”.
So, whether it’s food, drink, accommodations, activities, travel or just the best place to dip your toes in the warm tropical waters we’ll seek out the answers to share with you all. We will be honest and unbiased, which is something we wanted all these years. You’ll find photos and videos, reviews of bar and eateries, fun facts and useful tidbits gleaned from 20 plus years of our passion for the Conch Republic!
We realized we were a bit obsessed with Key West, starting to plan our next vacation, while still there. Taking notes on what we didn’t get to do, what we wished we had done and realized we were running out of time, so we put it on our list for our next trip, making notes and keeping a journal during our vacation.
All this leading to the thought we may be Key West Krazy and the rest is history!